Better me, Better Parent Workshop

After becoming a parent, we often forget about ourselves. Then a few months or years down the line, we get triggered easily and yell a lot more than we ever imagined. 

If we want to help our children be the best version of themselves, we need to start by working on ourselves first! We need to nurture ourselves and take the time to establish some boundaries, goals, daily self-care & self-compassion. 

The Better Me, Better Parent Program walks you through all of this and uses science to inform you and guide you. 


What you'll get:

  • 140+ pages with information from research studies, assessments, and exercises 
  • Access to a community of parents where you can post your questions and successes
  • 50% off your first coaching call for extra guidance 

Congratulations on taking the first steps to be the parent you always envisioned and for helping your child thrive!

Take the first step to nurturing yourself, because you matter! 

$79.00 USD