Creating A Calming Corner 

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Create the ultimate emotion regulation space for your child with the help of science.

All The Tools You Need To Help Your Child Through Big Emotions

Creating a Calming Corner: A Guide to Helping Your Child Cope with Big Emotions is an e-book that provides a practical and insightful approach to creating a space in your home where your child can go to regulate their emotions.

The e-book offers simple and effective strategies for designing and setting up a calming corner, including tips on choosing the right location, selecting calming sensory items, and incorporating self-regulation tools.

Creating a Calming Corner provides parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools they need to support their child's emotional well-being. Whether your child struggles with anxiety, anger, or other big emotions, this e-book is an essential resource for creating a nurturing environment that promotes emotional regulation and self-care.

What you'll get:

  • 13 page step-by-step guide to setting up the corner & how to use it
  • Science-backed information about why the corner is useful
  • An extra tool to use when your child feels big emotions
Purchase the e-book now