Meltdown Mountain

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Say goodbye to never ending tantrum-induced stress and hello to peaceful parenting with our comprehensive guide.

All The Tools You Need To Help Your Child Through Big Emotions

This e-book is designed to provide parents with effective tools to help their children navigate through big emotions. The book includes a visual mountain that parents can use with their child to work through the issues together. The mountain visual is a simple yet powerful tool that can help children better understand their emotions and provide a framework for them to express themselves.

Whether your child is experiencing anxiety, anger, frustration, or any other big emotions, this e-book can help you support them through it. By using the mountain visual and following the guide, parents can create a deeper connection with their child and help them develop important emotional regulation skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

What you'll get:

  • 15 page step-by-step guide
  • Visual of the meltdown mountain
Purchase the e-book now