Reflective Parenting: Learning How to Shift Perspectives and Reduce Your Stress

Hosted by Dr. Cindy Hovington Ph,D. and Dr. Michele Kambolis.

Do you feel stuck in emotional cycles? Stressed at work? Frustrated with your partner and arguing a lot? Overwhelmed by your child's behavior? Or Feeling burned out with work and parenting?

You're not alone.

Taking the time to reflect is an important part of nurturing our emotional well-being and strengthening relationships in our lives (including the one with ourselves!).

Join me and Dr. Michele Kambolis, Author and Mind-Body Expert for a free online workshop where you'll gain knowledge on how and where to get started in making the changes you desire for your life, and for your family.

In this live webinar, you'll learn:

+ Reframe Challenges: Tools to reframe difficult situations, empowering parents to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning rather than sources of stress.

+ Stress Reducing Tips: Effective ways to manage and reduce stress.

+ Mindful Practices: Mindful techniques to help promote a more present and grounded approach in interactions with their children.

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